

Our eyes are extremely delicate, yet they can be subjected to harsh conditions and other environmental factors that affect their health. One of the problems that can affect our eyes is an accumulation of dirt, debris and bacteria on the eyelids. This can cause a range of issues, including stopping tear film from reaching the eyes and being properly dispersed over their surface – which is necessary to keep them healthy and comfortable. Fortunately, a new solution called BlephexÔ can help.


What is BlephexÔ?

BlephexÔ is a handheld electro-mechanical device that is applied to the margins of the eyelids with the purpose of cleaning them and improving the effectiveness with which tear film flows onto the surface of the eyes.


BlephexÔ has a disposable, surgical-grade sponge tip which rapidly oscillates to create a cleaning action. Before the sponge tip is placed onto the eyes, it is soaked in a gentle exfoliating solution. This solution provides soft abrasion to help remove dead skin cells and debris that could be irritating the eyes and interrupting tear film progression. The BlephexÔ device is manually applied to the eyes and moved gently across the eyelids, with the entire, painless process taking approximately 6 to 8 minutes per eye. A different sponge is used on each eye, ensuring that no bacteria is passed between them. After the procedure, patients are given instructions on how to maintain the cleanliness of their eyelids with daily/nightly eyelid hygiene at home.


Most patients experience a significant improvement in tear film production and dispersal, and a reduction in unpleasant symptoms that they may have been experiencing within 48 hours of their treatment. While a single treatment is normally enough to produce excellent results, many patients are advised to have BlephexÔ every 4-6 months.


What conditions can BlephexÔ help with?

BlephexÔ can be used to clean the eyelids at any time, and people who suffer from dry eyes or eye allergies may find it is particularly beneficial for helping to reduce the symptoms that they experience. It can also be combined with Lipiflow – another technological solution – to help counteract the effects of dry eyes.

Unsurprisingly, BlephexÔ is particularly recommended as a treatment for an eye condition called blepharitis. Blepharitis is characterized by the inflammation of the eyelids, which causes them to become red, swollen and itchy. Although the condition is not usually serious, it can lead to further problems if it isn’t treated.

Symptoms of blepharitis include:

  • Sore eyes

  • Itchy eyes

  • A gritty, irritated feeling affecting the eyes

  • Redness

  • Flakes or crustiness around the roots of the eyelashes

  • Eyelids that stick together when you wake up in the morning


If you are suffering from the symptoms of blepharitis, dry eyes or eye allergies and feel that you would benefit from BlephexÔ treatment, please contact our team to schedule a consultation appointment.

Senior Care

Senior eye care is crucial for maintaining optimal vision and overall eye health as we age. As individuals grow older, they become more susceptible to age-related eye conditions. Regular comprehensive eye exams play a key role in early detection and management of these conditions, helping to preserve vision and prevent potential vision loss. By staying proactive with eye care and seeking timely professional assistance, seniors can enjoy clear, comfortable vision and ongoing eye health for years to come.

Common Eye Conditions in Seniors


As we reach our golden years, there are several eye conditions that become more prevalent. These conditions can have a significant impact on our vision and overall quality of life.

  • Presbyopia: This condition affects near vision, making it difficult to focus on close objects. It is a normal part of aging and is typically addressed with reading glasses or multifocal lenses.

  • Floaters and Flashes: As the vitreous inside the eye changes with age, it can lead to the perception of floaters (small dark spots or lines) and flashes of light. While often harmless, sudden onset of floaters and flashes may indicate a retinal tear or detachment and should be promptly evaluated.

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD is a leading cause of vision loss in older adults. It affects the macula, the central part of the retina, leading to blurred or distorted central vision. There are two forms of AMD, dry AMD, and wet AMD, with the latter being more severe.

  • Cataracts: Cataracts are a common age-related condition characterized by the clouding of the eye's natural lens. This can lead to blurry vision, glare, and difficulty seeing in low-light conditions.

  • Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to elevated intraocular pressure. It can result in peripheral vision loss and, if left untreated, may lead to total blindness.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy: For seniors with diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is a concern. It occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision problems and potential blindness if not managed.

  • Dry Eye Syndrome: Seniors may experience dry eye syndrome, characterized by insufficient lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye. It can cause discomfort, redness, and fluctuating vision.


Cataract Surgery Co-Management

Cataracts are a common eye condition that can significantly affect your vision. They occur when the lens of your eye becomes cloudy, causing blurred or distorted vision. This clouding is typically a result of aging, but other factors such as genetics, diabetes, or prolonged exposure to sunlight can also contribute to the development of cataracts.

As cataracts progress, you may experience symptoms such as difficulty seeing at night, increased sensitivity to glare, or a decrease in color perception. These changes can make daily activities like reading, driving, or recognizing faces more challenging.

Why Cataract Surgery May be Necessary


Cataract surgery is often recommended when cataracts start to interfere with your vision and affect your ability to perform daily tasks. The primary goal of cataract surgery is to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).

The decision to undergo cataract surgery is a personal one and should be made after consulting with your optometrist. Factors such as the severity of your cataracts, your overall eye health, and your lifestyle requirements will be taken into consideration when determining if surgery is necessary.

What is Cataract Surgery Co-Management?


Cataract surgery co-management refers to the collaborative approach between an ophthalmologist, who performs the surgery, and an optometrist, who provides pre-operative and post-operative care. This partnership ensures that you receive comprehensive eye care throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to the final follow-up appointments.

Your optometrist plays a crucial role in cataract surgery co-management by conducting a thorough pre-operative evaluation to assess your overall eye health and determine the most suitable IOL for your specific needs. They will also provide guidance and education on the surgical procedure, address any concerns you may have, and help you make informed decisions about your eye care.

Retinal Imaging Testing

When it comes to maintaining your eye health, regular check-ups and screenings play a crucial role. One such screening method that has revolutionized the field of optometry is retinal imaging testing. This non-invasive procedure allows optometrists to capture detailed images of the retina, providing valuable insights into the overall health of your eyes.


The Importance of Retinal Imaging Testing


By examining the retina, which is the thin layer of tissue at the back of your eye responsible for capturing light and transmitting visual signals to the brain, optometrists can gain valuable insights into your eye health. Retinal imaging testing allows for the early detection of various eye conditions even before noticeable symptoms occur. This early detection is crucial as it enables prompt treatment and intervention, potentially preventing irreversible vision loss.

Advanced Retinal Imaging Technology


Retinal imaging testing has been made possible by the advancements in technology, specifically Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Optos imaging. OCT is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses light waves to capture high-resolution cross-sectional images of the retina. It provides detailed information about the layers of the retina, helping eye doctors identify and monitor various eye conditions.

Optos imaging utilizes ultra-widefield retinal technology to capture a panoramic image of the retina. This technology allows for a more comprehensive view of the retina, including the periphery. Dilating drops are not necessary with Optos, making the process more convenient for patients.


As technology continues to advance, so does the field of the optometric industry. The development of innovative tools and techniques has allowed for more accurate and comprehensive examinations. One such technology is Optos, a revolutionary system that utilizes ultra-widefield retinal imaging technology to provide optometrists with a detailed view of the entire retina.

How Does Optos Work?


Optos technology is based on the principle of ultra-widefield retinal imaging, which allows for a wider and more detailed view of the retina compared to traditional imaging techniques. The Optos system consists of a specialized camera that captures high-resolution images of the retina using scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) technologies. SLO provides a wide-field view of the retina, while OCT allows for cross-sectional imaging, providing valuable insights into the various layers of the retina.

The Optos camera is designed to capture images through a process called optomap, which captures up to 200 degrees of the retina in a single image. This wide-field view provides optometrists with a comprehensive picture of the retina, enabling them to detect abnormalities that may not be visible with traditional imaging techniques. The optomap image can be instantly viewed and analyzed by your eye doctor, allowing for a more efficient and accurate diagnosis.

Common Eye Conditions Detected by Optos


Optos technology has the capability to detect a wide range of eye conditions, including but not limited to, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal tears or detachments. Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that affects individuals with diabetes, causing damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Optos can capture detailed images of the retina, enabling optometrists to detect any signs of diabetic retinopathy and initiate appropriate treatment.

Macular degeneration is another common eye condition that can be detected using Optos. This condition affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. Optos allows for a comprehensive view of the macula, identifying any changes or abnormalities that may indicate the presence of macular degeneration.

Glaucoma, a condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve, can also be detected using Optos. The wide-field view provided by Optos allows for a thorough examination of the optic nerve and the surrounding structures, facilitating early detection and intervention.

Finally, Optos technology is particularly effective in detecting retinal tears or detachments. These conditions can lead to sudden vision loss and require immediate medical attention. Optos allows for a comprehensive view of the retina, identifying any signs of retinal tears or detachments and initiate prompt treatment.

Corneal Refractive Therapy

Corneal refractive therapy, also known as CRT, is a simple, painless treatment for refractive eye errors like myopia and has two core benefits. First, it can be used to help patients see clearly during the day without using glasses or contact lenses, giving them the freedom and flexibility that they need to live life to the fullest. Second, CRT has been shown to help slow the progression of myopia, keeping prescriptions under control and potentially reducing the likelihood of patients developing serious eye health problems associated with high myopia in the future. 

Here’s everything that you need to know about corneal refractive therapy and what it means for you. 

Understanding refractive eye problems

Refractive eye problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism are extremely common, with nearsightedness – also known as myopia – being the most common of all. Patients with myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but those further away become progressively more blurred. Refractive eye errors occur when the shape of the clear dome covering the front part of the eye, called the cornea, impair the light-bending and focusing process in your eyes. This leads to the light ending up in the wrong place inside the eye, and the message that is sent to our brain from our eyes is muddled, causing blurred vision. 

What is corneal refractive therapy?

Corneal refractive therapy was initially developed as a treatment to correct and slow the progression of nearsightedness. However, it has also been found to be effective at controlling other refractive errors, including farsightedness, astigmatism and an age-related refractive condition called presbyopia.

CRT is a non-invasive, painless and straightforward method of correcting patient vision so that they don’t need to wear contacts or glasses, and they don’t need laser vision correction surgery to see clearly. CRT uses special contact lenses that are worn overnight and apply light pressure to the cornea in order to reshape it so that light is refracted correctly, and the image sent from the eyes to the brain is clear. The cornea is able to retain this new shape even after the contact lenses are removed the next morning, meaning that you can continue to see clearly for several hours. The more consistently you wear your CRT lenses overnight, the longer your eyes will learn to retain their new shape and eventually, patients can enjoy up to 48 hours of clear vision without using prescription lenses. However, the effects aren’t permanent so if you stop wearing the lenses, your vision will gradually return back to normal over the course of a few days. 

Slowing the progression of myopia with corneal refractive therapy

Another key benefit of CRT is that it can actually help to slow the progression of myopia. Most people who are nearsighted find that their eyesight gets progressively worse as they get older. This deterioration may not be rapid, but it can end in patients requiring high prescriptions. Studies have found that patients who have high myopia are more likely to develop serious eye problems in the future, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts and a detached retina. Regular use of your corneal refractive therapy lenses could help keep your prescription stable and lower your risk of developing these problems. 

Am I a candidate for corneal refractive therapy?

You may be a candidate for corneal refractive therapy if you:

  • Have a myopia prescription within specific parameters

  • Have a prescription for hyperopia, presbyopia or astigmatism within specific parameters

  • Have stable vision, which means that your prescription hasn’t changed during the last two years

  • Are not a suitable candidate for laser vision correction

  • Have a job that makes it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Enjoy hobbies that make it impractical or unsafe to wear glasses or contact lenses

  • Have healthy eyes and are generally in good health

For more information, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable team today.  

Post-Surgical Contact Lenses

If you have recently undergone eye surgery, your eye doctor may recommend the use of post-surgical contact lenses as part of your recovery process. These specialized lenses are designed to aid in the healing and protection of your eyes after surgery.

Why Post-Surgical Contact Lenses May Be Necessary


After eye surgery, your eyes are in a delicate state and require extra care to ensure proper healing. Post-surgical contact lenses can play a crucial role in this process. These lenses act as a protective barrier, shielding your eyes from irritants such as dust, debris, and bright lights. They also help to maintain the shape of the cornea and aid in the prevention of infection. By wearing post-surgical contact lenses, you can minimize the risk of complications and promote a faster and smoother recovery.

Different Types of Post-Surgical Contact Lenses


There are various types of post-surgical contact lenses available, and the specific type recommended for you will depend on the nature of your surgery and your eye condition. One common type is the bandage contact lens, which is a soft, therapeutic lens that covers the cornea, providing protection and promoting healing.

Another type is scleral lenses, which is larger and covers a larger portion of the eye, providing enhanced protection and support. Your optometrist will determine the most suitable type of post-surgical contact lens for your individual needs.

Eyelid Hygiene

Eyelid hygiene is an essential aspect of maintaining optimal eye health. Your eyes are sensitive organs that require proper care and attention. Neglecting eyelid hygiene can lead to various problems, including dry eye.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Eyelid Problems


It is crucial to recognize the symptoms of eyelid problems to seek timely treatment and prevent further complications. Common symptoms of eyelid issues include redness, swelling, itching, irritation, crusting or scaling of the eyelids, sensitivity to light, and a sensation of something in the eye.

The Importance of Eyelid Hygiene in Maintaining Eye Health



Maintaining proper eyelid hygiene is essential for overall eye health. Regularly cleaning your eyelids helps remove debris, bacteria, and excess oil, preventing infections and inflammation. It also promotes the proper functioning of the meibomian glands, ensuring an adequate supply of tears to keep your eyes moisturized. By incorporating eyelid hygiene into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing dry eye and other eye-related problems.


Optomap is an innovative new technology that gives eye doctors the ability to perform ultra-wide retinal imaging that is far superior to what can currently be achieved using conventional retinal imaging options. In contrast to conventional retinal imaging, Optomap captures at least 50% more of the retina in a single capture, and with Optomap’s multi-capture function, up to 97% of the retina can be viewed. This gives eye care professionals greater opportunity to monitor the health and condition of patient vision.

Why is Optomap important?

Optomap is another great preventative eyecare technology tool. By allowing your eye doctor to have a comprehensive view of your retina, they will be able to detect any developing eye diseases early on, before they have a detrimental impact on your vision and day to day life. Not only can Optomap detect eye conditions such as retinal holes, retinal detachment, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, but it can also be used to identify some general health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer.

What to expect from Optomap scanning

Optomap is a fast, painless and non-invasive procedure that is suitable for patients of all ages, even children and pregnant women. Many patients require their eyes to be dilated ahead of the scan and will be given eyedrops which will widen their pupils and make it easier for the camera to see the structures inside the eye. Pupil dilation is painless, but patients may feel more sensitive to light both during their Optomap scan and afterwards for up to 24 hours. You may also have slightly blurred vision for a few hours. Once your eyes are dilated, you’ll be sat down and asked to look into a small device that will take the pictures of your retina. A short flash of light will let you know that the image has been taken, and the entire imaging is over in just a few seconds. The results will be sent digitally to your eye doctor who will then evaluate them. The results will also be stored on your personal optical record for future information.  

If you would like more information about what is involved in Optomap, or to schedule an appointment for this effective screening technology, please contact our eyecare team.


Dry eyes are one of the most common conditions that can affect our eyes and is estimated to affect millions of Americans. As you’ve probably guessed, dry eyes occur when tears fail to provide enough natural lubrication for the eyes to be comfortable and healthy. Exactly what causes dry eyes can vary significantly, from side effects from medications to prolonged computer use. What is clear is that while the condition isn’t sight-threatening, it can make day to day life much harder than it needs to be. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help, and arguably one of the most effective is Lipiflow.


What is Lipiflow?

Lipiflow is a new technological solution that addresses the underlying cause of your dry eyes, rather than simply treating the symptoms. It is most effective at helping patients whose dry eyes are caused by meibomian gland dysfunction – a condition characterized by problems with the way that the meibomian glands produce the oil that forms an essential part of our tear film. The meibomian glands can become less productive, or in some cases, even blocked by hardened oil deposits. This prevents the oil from reaching your tear film, making it less effective. Lipiflow targets the meibomian glands, warming them to break down oily blockages and massaging your eyes to make sure that the oil, and then the tear film, is evenly dispersed. This helps to combat the symptoms associated with dry eyes, which can include:

  • Eye fatigue

  • Dry, scratchy and uncomfortable eyes

  • Blurred vision

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses

Your eye doctor will be able to advise you if Lipiflow has the potential to be a suitable solution for your dry eyes.

What to expect from Lipiflow treatment?

Lipiflow treatment is a simple, painless process that is performed in the comfort of your eye doctor’s office. There is no need for anesthetic. Once you are settled in your chair, your eye doctor will open the sterile, single-use applicators which are placed over your eyes. These are connected to a machine that causes the inner eyelids to heat to approximately 42.5°C to, while simultaneously placing gentle pressure on the outer eyelid surfaces. Lipiflow takes around 12 minutes per eye, during which time you can relax. You can even listen to music if you’d like to. There is no downtime, and patients can return to their usual activities right away. It takes around 3 days for patients to begin to see an improvement in their dry eye symptoms, although they may require further treatment in the future to maintain them. Optimal results are usually achieved around 6 to 8 weeks following your Lipiflow treatment.

For more information about Lipiflow, or to schedule a consultation to talk about this treatment for dry eyes, please contact our office.